What was once a specialized alternative medical procedure is now becoming more widely available across the country!
CBD is now officially available everywhere, and people in India are beginning to recognise its value and benefits.
According to industry experts, the industrial hemp market is to reach a high of $3259.5 million by 2028! Continue reading to know why and how!
India’s History With Hemp
Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) has been used for thousands of years in India, with its roots in Ayurveda. What makes us wonder is that if it was used so freely back then, what is the issue that occurs now?
Hemp was one of the earliest farmed fiber plants, with archaeological evidence of its use dating back to 10,000 BC in Northern China, originating from rope imprints on pottery.
As we know, Ayurveda dates back nearly 3000 years and elaborately identifies multiple aspects of the hemp plant for a variety of potential therapeutic purposes—known as the therapeutic plant, wonder plant, or sacred plant.
While hemp was used for paper and fibre more than for any other thing, today, in India, hemp is being used to make natural medicines, nutritional foods, and textile fibre.
The question that arises is, if the plant has been in use for decades now, what makes it a cause for controversy among countries and lawmakers?
When we think of hemp, we rarely think of Indian culture. The cannabis family is always referred to as a “western drug,” but we do have scientific proof to prove the same.
However, today, hemp is only permitted for medicinal purposes, as defined in the NDPS Act 1985: “medicinal cannabis,” or medicinal hemp, means any extract or tincture of cannabis (hemp).
A quick summary from our previous blog:
One element that frequently continues to baffle consumers is whether the CBD in the goods is derived from hemp or cannabis.
The quick explanation is that they are derived from several strains of the Cannabis sativa plant.
“Marijuana” refers to cannabis containing more than 0.3 percent THC by dry weight. The THCHemp-India concentration varies between cannabis plants. Some strains are engineered to contain more THC than others.
Hemp-India’s Economy

According to Forbes, hemp for the Indian economy will be a win-win situation.
Industrial hemp has and is still evolving into a wider range of products over time, including health foods, organic body care, clothing, construction materials, biofuels, plastic composites, and more (according to one source, more than 25,000 products can be made from hemp).
This happened to be after the masses were experiencing and benefiting from the wonder plant.
The very first hemp vegetation in the U.s was in Jamestown, Virginia, where widening hemp cultivation was actually needed.
Another proof that hemp has been used for decades is its usage in everything dating back to the 19th century! Be it clipper ship sails or pioneer waggon covers. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper or even the best Bible paper that is still made from hemp.
Where does the issue lie?
The hemp plant is mistakenly associated with marijuana, and several policymakers believe that by legalising hemp, they are also legalising marijuana, which is not the case.
At CBDAY, we wish to stay true to our goal of using CBD to promote a healthy body and mind. The vision is to not only pave the way for CBD wellness and health products in India but also allow people to experience the therapeutic benefits of the hemp plant, which is much more than any other plant in existence.
Hemp is being rediscovered and used to promote new industries in India, where it was once a fundamental part of society.
Why is hemp cultivation a solution – especially for farmers?
Hemp cultivation becomes appealing because it has the capability of growing on barren land and requires few resources, including water, to cultivate.
The sooner India adopts and adapts to a sustainable agriculture future, the more industrial hemp can help lead the way.
Hemp may provide considerable economic and environmental benefits of research and development efforts are focused and sustained.