As we all know by now, or even if you did not, Cannabis has a long history in India and is buried in myths and religion. The earliest mention of cannabis is found in the Vedas or sacred Hindu literature where the manuscripts could also have been gathered at any time between the years 2000 and 1400 B.C.
With so many ongoing state legalities, laws, and controversies, we thought to not just make it a boring blog but also get you some interesting fun facts about CBD IN INDIA and global.
The ‘Doomsday Vault’
The presence of the “Doomsday Vault” is one of the most interesting fun facts about cannabis.
Thousands of cannabis seeds and other plant species are kept in this hidden vault. The vault is situated on the island of Svalbard, which is halfway between Norway and the North Pole.
Despite the Doomsday Vault’s 2008 opening, the concept has been around since the 1980s.
Carly Fowler, a former executive director of the Crop Trust, came up with the idea for the vault to keep copies of various seed samples. The seed samples are frozen in the vault to protect their integrity.
It’s interesting to note that in 2020, the vault got one of its biggest seed deposits. It welcomed more than 60,000 seed samples from 36 various nations and groupings.
Cannabis Can Be Eaten Raw
Yes, Cannabis tastes much better when made or prepared with tasty foods like cake, brownies, or bread. However, raw cannabis can be eaten.
Additionally, eating it raw won’t make you high but will still provide you with all the medical advantages.
You cannot overdose on Cannabis
Of course, you can overdose on cannabis, which means consuming more than the recommended amount.
But what this means is that it’s practically impossible for you to consume the amount of cannabis it would take to kill a person.
There are 200 or more Slang Terms for Cannabis
In addition to “grass,” “weed,” and “pot,” cannabis boasts more than 200 more slang terms. The Latin American nations use the term “Caracas,” while the English refer to it as “gasper stick.”
The Vietnam War-era GIs gave marijuana a moniker of their own. Because the “joint” caused them to act bizarrely, they referred to marijuana as their “dinkie dow cigarette.”
Cannabis and chocolates?
Did you know eating chocolate provides the same boost as smoking marijuana? Although less potent than the latter, the former can nonetheless have the same results with the correct dosage.
How does this happen?
Cannabis and chocolate both bind to the brain’s anandamide-promoting receptors. This neurotransmitter lifts your spirits.
The hemp plant was once a Government Aid
The rules governing the cultivation of hemp in the United States have changed dramatically throughout time.
It was Between 1970 and 2018, hemp cultivation was prohibited by federal law; yet, for a concise time, farmers were obliged to cultivate the plant.
The U.S. government demanded individuals to grow hemp during World War II because it supplied the nation with entities including fabric, sails, canvas, rope, and paper.
The hemp plant can end hunger
Hemp seeds are known to be rich in vitamins A, B, D, and E. This also means they are highly nutritious and contain high levels of fatty acids, minerals, and calories.
The seeds provide the daily requirement for protein, making them a healthy meat substitute.
As a result, it can aid in preventing protein-energy malnutrition, one of the deadliest types of hunger.
Additionally, hemp grows quickly and may prosper in a range of habitats and temperatures.